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[Résumé]Sexual orientation and gender identity are not commonly addressed in health and human service delivery, or in educational degree programs. Based on findings from Caring and Aging with Pride: The National Health, Aging and Sexuality Study (CAP), the first national federally-funded research project on LGBT health and aging, this article outlines 10 core competencies and aligns them with specific strategies to improve professional practice and service development to promote the well-being of LGBT older adults and their families. The articulation of key competencies is needed to provide a blueprint for action for addressing the growing needs of LGBT older adults, their families, and their communities.
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[Résumé]it is estimated that up to 10 percent of the american population is lesbian, gay, bisexual, ort ransgender (lgBt) and that up to 7 million members of this population are elderly. Both the institute of Medicine and healthy People 2020 have addressed the health disparities that affect elderly members of the lgBt community. nurses are well positioned to bridge health disparities and provide culturally sensitive care across the lifespan, but compared with that of other disciplines, the nursing literature is lacking in content addressing lgBt health. eliminating health disparities in the care of lgBt elders should be a priority in nursing education.the authors review the issues lgBt elders face and rec- ommend how content related to lgBt aging can be integrated into nursing curricula.
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[Résumé] [URL]This discussion paper is a summary of findings and recommendations to provide culturally competent care for LGBTQ seniors in Residential Care and Assisted Living.
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[Résumé]Older lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) adults face unique issues that can impede their well-being. Although many advances have helped address these issues, there is a need for education efforts that raise awareness of service providers about these issues. This study explores evaluation data of training panels provided by older LGBT adults and the views of training partici- pants on issues faced by the older LGBT community after attending the panels. Participants were 605 students and professionals from over 34 education and communication settings. Implications for trainings on participants and older LGBT trainers are discussed.
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[Résumé] [URL]The purpose of this article is to describe how heterosexism impedes the provision of culturally competent care for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) residents in long-term care (LTC) facilities. LTC facilities continue to employ staff members who lack an understanding of sexuality and sexual diversity in the elderly. In this article, we identify the heterosexual assumption, namely heterosexism, as the primary issue surrounding the holistic care of the LGBTQ elder in LTC. We first review the literature related to LGBTQ elders in LTC facilities, identifying the themes that emerged from the review, specifically the definitions of homophobia and heterosexism; perceptions of LGBTQ elders as they consider placement in LTC facilities; and staff knowledge of and biases toward sexuality and sexual diversity in LTC settings. Then, we suggest approaches for changing the culture of LTC to one in which LGBTQ elders feel safe and valued, and conclude by considering how facility leaders are in a unique position to enable LGBTQ elders to flourish in what may be their last home.
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