- Averett, P., Yoon, I., & Jenkins, C. L.. (2012). Older Lesbian Sexuality: Identity, Sexual Behavior, and the Impact of Aging. Journal of Sex Research, 49(5), 495–507. doi:10.1080/00224499.2011.582543.
[Résumé] [URL]In response to the very limited and mostly outdated literature on older lesbian sexuality, this exploratory study examined older lesbian sexual identity, romantic relationships, the impact of aging, and experiences of discrimination within these contexts. Utilizing an online survey that recruited via numerous online lesbian communities and snowball sampling, 456 lesbians over the age of 50 responded to closed, Likert scale, and open-ended questions that provided a preliminary understanding of older lesbian sexuality. The results indicated that older lesbians have experienced fluidity in past romantic and sexual relationships, as well as in erotic fantasies, despite strong identification with being lesbian. The findings also indicate a decreased focus on sexuality in the context of relationships, with more focus on stability and continuity. Future research is needed that provides greater specificity and detail about older lesbian conceptions of sexual behavior and sexual identity labels, as well as specific sex- ual behaviors.
- Averett, P., Yoon, I., & Jenkins, C. L.. (2011). Older Lesbians: Experiences of Aging, Discrimination and Resilience. Journal of Women & Aging, 23(3), 216–232. doi:10.1080/08952841.2011.587742.
[Résumé]Older lesbians are, at minimum, a triple threat of marginalization due to ageism, heterosexism, and sexism. A national survey specific to this often-invisible population has not occurred in over 25 years. The present study was completed to reveal the needs, strengths, and experiences of the current cohort of older lesbians. Four hun- dred fifty-six older lesbians responded to an online survey on topics including sociodemographics, social activity, health, sexual iden- tity, family relationships, romantic relationships, service/program use, mental health, end-of-life care, and discrimination. The results and implications are included as well as a comparison to the last studied cohort.
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[Résumé]The Canadian health care system{’}s delivery and policies are often based on a heterosexual nuclear family model. Long-term care (LTC) policy in particular is built on specific assumptions about women and caregiving. Current health care and LTC policies can thus disadvantage and marginalize women who do not fit such constructions, such as older lesbian and bisexual women. Drawing from literature on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender women{’}s health, aging, and caregiving, this article uses a feminist political economy analysis to demonstrate that a gap exists in current research and policy with respect to the LTC needs of older lesbian and bisexual women.
- Hughes, M., & Kentlyn, S.. (2015). Older Lesbians and Work in the Australian Health and Aged Care Sector. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 19(1), 62–72. doi:10.1080/10894160.2015.959875.
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[Résumé]Older adults who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) face greater health risks and possibly more costly care because of their reluctance to seek out health and long-term care services because of limited cultural sensitivity of service providers. This is particularly evident in older lesbians who face substantial risk of health problems associated with alcoholism and are less likely to be open with health care providers because of stigma combined with feelings of alienation, stress, and depression. An estimated 4.4 million older adults are predicted to have problems with alcohol by 2020, and the rates of alcohol-related hospi- talizations are similar to those for heart attacks, creating exorbitant medical costs. More culturally competent health and long-term care may reduce health care costs by effectively addressing the dynamics of alcoholism, aging, and lesbian culture. Training initiatives such as those developed by the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging have begun to address the need of a more culturally competent aging services net- work. This article provides exemplars from empirical data on older les- bians with alcoholism to highlight some of the health, economic, and social disparities experienced in the aging LGBT community. Current interventions in the form of cultural competence training for service providers are presented as a potential step toward addressing health disparities among LGBT older adults.
- Rowan, N. L., & Butler, S. S.. (2014). Resilience in Attaining and Sustaining Sobriety Among Older Lesbians With Alcoholism. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 57, 176–197. doi:10.1080/01634372.2013.859645. [URL]
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[Résumé]Aim: This article provides an overview of how gender and historical contexts influence the well-being of old lesbians. It aims to inform the practice of aged care providers in addressing the needs of these women. Methods: The lived experience of old lesbians is examined using feminist methodology with a focus on hegemonic femininity, social structures and cultural life. Results: Old lesbians being selectively {‘}open{’}, their use of health services and desire for lesbian-specific aged care are all influenced by lesbophobia, a complex of discriminations. The age women began living as lesbian and fluidity of orientation, are central to understanding their particular needs. Many old lesbians have created social groups and intentional communities where there is support and freedom. Conclusion: The current {‘}inclusivity{’} approach is insufficient for culturally appropriate aged care for old lesbians. Developing practices that meet their needs requires better understanding of lesbians{’} different life courses and why they created lesbian cultures.
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